知客堂 / Welcome Court

知客堂,位於南大道 50 號「成一樓」入口處,懸掛著已故永久導師成公長老照片,法相慈祥,方便作為佛法諮詢和訪客接待之場所。堂內供奉觀世音菩薩聖像,手持淨瓶,慈眼俯視眾生。日常中,僧俗交流及商議事務於客堂,常住以茶會友,締結法緣,呈現多元化的弘法面貌。

1989年,購入以美金四十二萬五千元購入50 地段,作為美西永久道場,於1993年落成。


The Welcome Court, located next to the entrance of Cheng Yi Pavilion with a picture of Ven. Master Chang Yi on the wall, is the place for receiving visitors and Dharma consultations.  A shrine to honor Guanyin Bodhisattva is also set up in the court.  This is a place for daily conversation and discussion.  Tea is offered to enhance the communication.  The ambiance enriches the functions of Buddhism propagation.

In 1989, No.50 South Main Street was purchased for US$425,000 to be permanent temple in the western United States.  It was completed in 1993.

In April 2006, preparations for reconstruction began.  The construction officially started on January 30, 2008.

In April 2009, the reconstruction was completed and consecrated.  The building is named Cheng Yi Pavilion to commemorate the compassionate vows of Ven. Master Cheng Yi to establish ABLS.