寺務處 / Administration Office

寺務處,位於南大道 50 號「成一樓」入口處,是華嚴蓮社的行政中心。執事人員抱持廣結善緣的態度,以無比的熱誠,為信眾處理事務,引導初學廣植善根、修習福慧資糧,發菩提心、行菩薩道。



The administration office, located next to the entrance of Cheng Yi Pavilion, is the management center of ABLS. The staffs are devoted themselves with enthusiasms to provide the services for the public. The goals are to help people close to Buddhism, to guide them making the good deeds, practicing Buddha’s teachings, vowing for Bodhicitta and taking Bodhisattva path.

Daily services include making offerings, education and training, publications, charity, annual relief ceremonies, memorial tablets setting, blessing lighting, Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ birth ceremonies, ritual practicing and Buddhist affairs consultations.