美國華嚴蓮社 10/16/2016 觀音菩薩出家紀念法會 通啓
Avalokiteshvara (Guan Yin) Bodhisattva Renunciation Celebration Dharma Event
On Sunday, October 16, 2016 is the Renunciation Day of Avalokiteshvara (Guan Yin) Bodhisattva. ABLS is hosting a dharma event starting at 9 AM chanting the Avalokiteshvara mantra and Universal Gate Sutra. Introduction on Guan Yin Dharma practice. Food offering at noon for blessings. At 1:30 PM, chanting the Cundī Sutra and Cundī Mantra (incantation). The evening session will practice Eighty-Eight Buddha Repentance and Meng Shan Food Bestowal Ceremony. You are all invited to pray for Guan Yin Buddha’s blessings and dedicate the merit to all participants, grow our Bodhi seeds.