準提行法共修會 / Cundi Dharma Practice
ABLS holds a one-day Cundi Dharma practice on every 5th Sunday. This is to ensure the tradition of leading lay people practising Dharma in monastery on a monthly basis, as well as to integrate practices into key teachings of Huayen Buddhism. The 5th Sunday of the month falls on 3/30, 6/29, 8/31, and 11/30/2025, and there will be a Cundi Dharma event consisting of four sessions. The 1st session starts at 9am with Master Tian He, the Abbess, leading the assembly to practice Cundi Repentance; during the 2nd session, we will chant Cundi Mantra and make food offerings to the Buddhas and bodhisattvas. In the afternoon, the assembly will practice Cundi Sutra, Cundi Mantra for the 3th session at 1:30pm, and Eighty-Eight Buddha Repentance, Meng Shan Food Bestowal Ceremony (Food for the passed away) for the 4th session.
Cundi Dharma Practice was carried out since the time of Master Zhi Guang, the first Abbot of Huayen Buddhist Lotus Society in Taipei. Cundi Practice was passed on as a Dharma Gateway for contemplating on the non-obstruction reality-realm and the Indra’s net, as well as to dig up the dormant treasures inside practitioners’ mind and body. The key to this practice is to follow the One-Vehicle tradition’s doctrine of realizing the Vairocana Buddha nature of our own, and developing our native Samantabhadra’s deeds. Huayen Practitioners have benefited immensely from the Cundi Dharma Practice, thus this Dharma Gateway has always been popular among both the monastic and lay people. This practice allows people to the Huayen world of ultimate reality and to enter the great field of Bodhi. We hope more people are taking this great opportunity to this unsurpassed practice.
每月第五個週日。準提行法共修會(拜準提懺、誦準提經、持準提咒) |
第一支香 禮拜準提寶懺 09:00~10:401、禮拜「準提佛母焚修悉地寶懺」一部2、三皈依(休息20分)第二支香 誦持準提神咒 11:00~11:201、準提偈咒共修2、迴向佛前大供 11:20~12:00午齋:中式自助餐 All-You-Can-Eat Lunch Buffet第三支香 諷誦準提經、持誦準提咒 13:30~14:301、諷誦「佛說七俱胝佛母準提大明陀尼經」一部2、準提偈咒共修3、迴向(休息15分)第四支香 晚課 14:45~15:301、八十八佛禮佛大懺悔文2、蒙山施食、讚佛偈、彌陀聖號3、「是日已過」偈、三歸依4、南無伽藍聖眾菩薩(三稱)5、大悲咒(一遍)6、伽藍讚7、迴向:「願消三障諸煩惱」偈 |