ABLS 2025 新春法會通啟(CNY Dharma Service Notice)

美國華嚴蓮社 2025 新春法會通啟
CNY Dharma Service Notice


本社謹訂於西元2025年2月2日(星期日)起至2月9日(星期日)止,{ 農曆正月初五至十二日 },啟建華嚴供佛齋天暨新春祈福準提共修會。從拜懺、持咒中,沉澱雜染妄念,相應於準提菩薩之慈悲智慧。開啟新一年的福慧修持之旅。


2月3日(星期一)起至2月8日(星期六),每日下午四時半至六時,諷誦準提經、受持準提咒。{ 2月6日(星期四),因晚間佛學課程,共修提前至下午三時半至五時。 }


華嚴蓮社週日共修會 (9:00 – 15:30) ,普羅大眾均可進入大殿,參與共修,無需事先預約。午供後將繼續參加下午共修會的信眾,可在齋堂用餐,請自備餐具。
每週二至週六 (8:30 – 17:20) ,大眾均可進入大殿,禮佛祭祀。日常參加早晚課共修迴向,無需預約名額不限。
國際華嚴研究中心 (ICAS) 開設之佛法課程及系列講座,如:《法華經》講座、《維摩詰經》導讀等,仍維持 Zoom 線上授課。

如有相關供養三寶、護持道場、燃燈供佛、消災祈福或超度亡靈等佛事需求,請於日常辦公時段 (週二至週日 9:30 – 16:00) 來寺登記,或電洽蓮社事務處辦理 (408-942-0874);或者,請以郵寄信件、電子郵件 info@huayenusa.org 、官網聯繫 https://www.huayenusa.org/contact-us ,乃至投遞報名等方式,我們都將誠摯地為您服務。

另外,新年度 2025 全年供養三寶、消災祈福、光明燈、安太歲(生肖:蛇、豬、虎、猴、龍),以及全年聽經蓮位等功德項目,現已開始受理報名。詳情請洽華嚴蓮社事務處辦理。各類報名表單,請見蓮社官網 http://www.huayenusa.org/intro-abls/app-forms ,可自行下載回傳。

“Huayen Offerings to Buddhas and Celestial Beings Dharma Event and Chinese New Year Cundī Blessing Service”

ABLS will host the Huayen Offerings to Buddhas and Celestial Beings Dharma event and Chinese New Year Cundī Blessing service from February 2nd to February 9th, 2025. This event aims to kickstart the New Year by accumulating merit and wisdom through repentance, mantra recitation, and cultivating a mind aligned with the wisdom and compassion of Cundī Bodhisattva.

The schedule includes the ceremony of Huayen Offerings to Buddhas and Celestial Beings and the Chinese New Year Prayer service on February 2nd at 9 AM. The afternoon session will feature the Medicine Buddha Honoring service, Eighty-Eight Buddha Repentance and Meng Shan Food Bestowal Ceremony.

From February 3rd (Monday) through February 8th (Saturday), the assembly will chant the Cundī Sutra and Cundī Mantra (Incantation) from 4:30 to 6 PM daily. On February 6th (Thursday) the session will start at 3:30 PM due to evening Dharma classes.

On the last day, February 9th, starting at 9 AM, there will be the Cundī Repentance and Cundī Mantra in the morning, followed by the Food Offering Ceremony at noon, and the Cundī Sutra, Eighty-Eight Buddha Repentance and Meng Shan Food Bestowal Ceremony in the afternoon.

Every Sunday (9:00 – 15:30), all are cordially invited to join us inside the Buddha Hall without the need for prior appointments. For those planning to stay for the afternoon service, we offer a complimentary lunch. Please bring your lunch box and utensils.
Additionally, from Tuesday to Saturday (8:30 – 17:20), visitors are welcome to come inside the Buddha Hall on their own. Morning and Evening Liturgy are open for participation from Monday to Saturday.
Please note that Lectures such as Expounding the Lotus Sutra, Introduction to the Vimalakīrti Sutra continue to be hosted on ZOOM, as before.

For those wish to make offerings to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, support the temple, make light offerings, or set up blessing plates for the living or the deceased, feel free to register in person or call the office (408-942-0874) during our regular hours (9:30 – 16:00 Tuesday to Sunday). Alternatively, you can send your requests by mail, email at info@huayenusa.org , or contact us through our official website at https://www.huayenusa.org/contact-us. We will be glad to be of further assistance.

Registration for 2025 is now open! Offerings include: year-long offerings to the Triple Gem, blessing plates for the living, light offerings to Buddhas, Tai Sui pacification (for those born in the Year of the Snake, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, and Dragon) and blessing plates for the deceased. To download the application forms, please visit: http://www.huayenusa.org/intro-abls/app-forms.