ICAS 2023 Mapping Modern Mahayana: Chinese Buddhism and Migration in the Age of Global Modernity


Mapping Modern Mahayana:

Chinese Buddhism and Migration in the Age of Global Modernity

由「美國華嚴蓮社。華嚴教育基金」支持贊助,加州聖荷西州立大學•人文藝術學院•人文學系主辦 2023 年度佛教學研討會,將於美西時間 04/26 (週三) 傍晚 6:00-7:00、台灣時間 04/27 (週四) 上午 9:00-10:00 進行網路線上座談與研討。

今年討論圍繞 Dr. Jens Reinke 的新書《尋蹤現代大乘佛教:全球現代化背景下漢傳佛教的傳播》展開 。Dr. Jens Reinke 現任美國西來大學.人間佛教研究院主任,他將與加州大學聖地亞哥分校傑出社會學教授 Dr. Richard Madsen 一起進行討論。

在《尋蹤現代大乘佛教》這本書中,Reinke 博士通過研究佛光山在洛杉磯西來寺、南非南華寺,以及中國江蘇宜興大覺寺,三個海外分支道場,追溯了佛光山的全球發展。通過考察一個特定的佛教團體如何在海外扎根,這本書探討了全球化背後的社會、文化和宗教元素,並以全新的觀點詮釋了佛教的現代化,以及當代佛教的特點。

網路報名: https://sjsu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4bxApYCzRhm5BsujAm03Jg




The Hua-Yen Education Endowment of Avatamsaka Buddhist Lotus Society has sponsored the following event, which is hosted by the San Jose State University Humanities Department:

Mapping Modern Mahayana

A conversation with Dr. Jens Reinke (University of the West) and Dr. Richard Madsen (UC San Diego)

Join us via Zoom for a discussion of Dr. Jens Reinke’s new book, Mapping Modern Mahayana: Chinese Buddhism and Migration in the Age of Global Modernity.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023 

6:00-7:00 pm


Mapping Modern Mahayana presents Dr. Reinke’s research, which traces the global development of Fo Guang Shan by studying three locations where the Buddhist order has established roots: Los Angeles, South Africa, and the People’s Republic of China. By examining how one particular modern Buddhist religiosity that developed in a specific place moves into a global context, the book provides a fresh view of what constitutes both modern and contemporary Buddhism while also exploring the social, cultural, and religious fabrics that underlie the spatial configurations of globalization.