美國華嚴蓮社 2022 歲末法會通啟
ABLS Year-End Dharma Service Notice
為因應 COVID-19 及其變種疫情發展,避免宗教群聚感染之情事發生,本社「2022歲末華嚴誦經會」,已調整成為一個月精進修持的方案,自國曆 12/11/2022 起至 1/8/2023 日止(1/8/2023 圓滿日:總迴向&化牌位)。詳情請洽 “華嚴蓮社事務處” 辦理。
大殿內部 (可入殿內禮拜):每週二、四、六 10:00 – 15:00
大殿廣場 (戶外參禮祭祀):每週二至六 10:00 – 15:00
事務處照常辦公。如有相關供養三寶、護持道場、燃燈供佛、消災祈福或超度亡靈等佛事需求,請於日常辦公時段 (週二至週日 9:30 – 16:00),電洽蓮社事務處辦理 (408-942-0874);或者,請以郵寄信件、電子郵件 info@huayenusa.org 、官網聯繫 https://www.huayenusa.org/contact-us ,乃至投遞報名、來寺登記等方式,我們都將誠摯地為您服務。
另外,新年度 2023 全年供養三寶、消災祈福、光明燈、安太歲(生肖:兔、雞、鼠、馬、龍),以及全年聽經蓮位等功德項目,現已開始受理報名。詳情請洽華嚴蓮社事務處辦理。各類報名表單,請見蓮社官網 http://www.huayenusa.org/intro-abls/app-forms ,可自行下載回傳。
Year End Avatamsaka Sutra Recitation and Cultivation Dharma Service
The Avatamsaka Sutra or the Flower Adornment Sutra demonstrates Buddha’s endless virtues and wisdom through Samantabhadra, Manjushri and other Bodhisattvas in Nine Assemblies and Seven Places. Huayen Lotus Society has been hosting the Avatamsaka Sutra chanting ceremony twice a year, every year since 1957, following the direction of Master Nan Ting, the Abbot at the time.
In response to the pandemic of COVID-19 and its variants, and to prevent the transmission of the virus among religious communities, the “2022 Year End Avatamsaka Sutra Recitation and Cultivation Dharma Service” has been changed to a One-Month Intensive Practice, starting from 12/11/2022 to 1/8/2023 (on the last day of 1/8/2023: Dedication of Merits & Burning Name Plates). Please contact our office for more detailed information.
ABLS has opened the Buddha Hall on Sunday starting from November 6, 2022. Please make an appointment to participate inside. The Food Offering Ceremony should still be joined outside because of the high volume of visitors. Lunch is not offered during the pandemic.
From Monday to Saturday:
The inside of Buddha Hall will open 10:00 – 15:00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday;
The courtyard outside of Buddha Hall will open 10:00 – 15:00 Tuesday to Saturday;
The Welcome Court, Dining Hall, Library and other areas are not open to the public yet.
Lectures such as Expounding the Avatamsaka Sutra are held on ZOOM as before.
Office operates as usual. Our regular hours are 9:30 – 16:00 Tuesday to Sunday. You can call the office at 408-942-0874, send your request by mail, email info@huayenusa.org , contact us through our official website https://www.huayenusa.org/contact-us , drop-off, or register in person. We will be glad to be of further assistance.
In addition, registration has begun for the new year of 2023: year-long offering to the Triple Gem, blessing plates for the living, light offerings to Buddhas, pacifying Tai Sui (for the birth year of the Rabbit, Rooster, Mouse, Horse, Dragon) and blessing plates for the deceased. To download application forms, please visit: http://www.huayenusa.org/intro-abls/app-forms.