ABLS 2022 新春法會通啟 (CNY Dharma Service Notice )

美國華嚴蓮社 2022 新春法會通啟

Chinese New Year Dharma Service Notice


本社謹訂於西元2022年2月6日(星期日)起至2月13日(星期日)止,{ 農曆正月初六至十三日 },啟建華嚴供佛齋天暨新春祈福準提共修會。從拜懺、持咒中,沉澱雜染妄念,相應於準提菩薩之慈悲智慧。開啟新一年的福慧修持之旅。




華嚴蓮社已敞開最吉祥殿南面大門(大殿內仍不開放),以方便信眾前來參拜祭祀。冬季開放時間為週六 9:30 至 16:00 及週日午供時段 11:15 至 12:00,請自行攜帶口罩,於大殿南面廣場參拜祭祀。由於天冷風大之緣故,週日共修期間,僅於午供時段,敞開大殿南面大門,特此說明。

另外,新年度 2022 全年供養三寶、消災祈福、光明燈、安太歲(生肖:虎、猴、雞、豬、蛇),以及全年聽經蓮位等功德項目,現已開始受理報名。詳情請洽華嚴蓮社事務處 (408) 942-0874 辦理。各類報名表單,請見蓮社官網 http://www.huayenusa.org/intro-abls/app-forms  ,可自行下載回傳。


“Huayen Offerings to Buddhas and Celestial Beings Dharma Event and Chinese New Year Cundī Blessing Service”

ABLS will host Huayen Offerings to Buddhas and Celestial Beings Dharma event and Chinese New Year Cundī Blessing service from February 6th, 2022 (Sunday) through February 13th, 2022 (Sunday).  Through the repentance and mantra recitation, we will start the New Year’s accumulation of merit and wisdom by settling the defiled and deluded mind while awakening the state of mind corresponding to Cundī Bodhisattva’s wisdom and compassion. 

On February 6th starting at 9 AM, there will be the Cundī Repentance in the morning; the Chinese New Year Prayer and Food Offering Ceremony at noon; Cundī Sutra, Cundī Mantra, Eighty-Eight Buddha Repentance, and Meng Shan Food Bestowal Ceremony in the afternoon.

On each day from February 7th (Monday) through February 12th (Saturday), the assembly will chant the Cundī Sutra and Cundī Mantra (Incantation) from 4:30 to 6 PM.   

On the last day of February 13th starting at 9 AM, there will be the ceremony of Huayen Offerings to Buddhas and Celestial Beings. The afternoon session will include the Medicine Buddha Honoring service, Eighty-Eight Buddha Repentance, and Meng Shan Food Bestowal Ceremony.

The south-facing doors of the Main Hall are open on weekends so that visitors can make offerings and pay respect to the deceased in the courtyard south of the Main Hall. The opening hours are Saturdays (9:30 – 16:00) and Sundays (11:15 – 12:00). Be sure to wear Face Masks when coming here. Please note that on each Sunday during the weekly Dharma Practice, the Main Hall doors facing the South courtyard will only be opened during the Offering Ceremony at noon (11:15 – 12:00) since the weather is still cold.

In addition, registration has begun for the following 2022 yearlong services: offerings to the Triple Gem, blessing plates for the living, light offerings to Buddha, pacifying Tai Sui (for the birth year of the Tiger, Monkey, Rooster, Pig, Snake) and blessing plates for the deceased. To download application forms, please visit: http://www.huayenusa.org/intro-abls/app-forms . For more details, please contact the office at (408) 942-0874.