【ABLS 室外廣場開放通告】
ABLS Courtyard Opening Notice
本蓮社將於 8/8 (六) 至 9/13 (日) 2020 盂蘭盆孝親報恩祈福梁皇寶懺法會期間,開放蓮社室外廣場,方便廣大信眾進行年節的祭祀與參拜。
ABLS will open the courtyard to the public during the “2020 Ullambana Celebration and Liang Huang Jeweled Repentance Dharma Service” from 8/8 (Saturday) to 9/13 (Sunday), so worshipers can make offerings and pay respect during the festival.
如欲祭祀先亡近逝眷屬者,請於每週二至週六,蓮社大門開放期間 9:30 至 17:30 (每週日 9:00 至 16:00),自行攜帶口罩,於大殿南面廣場參拜祭祀。
For those who want to make offerings to the deceased family and friends, please be sure to Wear Face Masks and pay respect at the Courtyard South of the Main Hall, during ABLS opening hours 9:30 to 17:30, Tuesday to Saturday (9:00 to 16:00 on Sunday).
Because of COVID-19, please Take Your Offerings Back Home for Blessings after the tribute.
Thank you for your cooperation. May you be blessed with good health and Dharma joy!
美國華嚴蓮社 敬啟
Avatamsaka Buddhist Lotus Society
TEL: (408) 942-0874
ADD: 50 South Main St. Milpitas, CA 95035