祖師堂 / Patriarch Court

祖師堂,位於南大道 20 號「最吉祥殿」二樓,供奉著華嚴蓮社三大法系傳承祖師,包括:一、江蘇海安觀音禪寺,傳臨濟禪宗諸大法師;二、江蘇泰州光孝律寺,傳南山律宗諸大法師;三、江蘇常熟興福寺法界學院,傳華嚴雲棲法系諸大法師。其傳承盛名者,有如:盛唐時期,華嚴宗五位傳承祖師;近現代則有,玉成尊宿、月霞和尚、應慈和尚、智光和尚、文心和尚、常惺和尚、靄亭和尚、南亭和尚,以及美國華嚴蓮社開山祖師成一和尚等諸大傳承師資。



Patriarch Court, located on the second floor, is dedicated to the well-known Masters of the three major lineages of ABLS:
1. Guanyin Temple in Hai’an, Jiangsu Province China for Linji Chan lineage;
2. Guangxiaolu Temple in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province China for Nanshan Vinaya lineage;
3. Xingfu Temple Dharma Realm College in Changshu, Jiangsu Province China for Huayen Yunqi lineage.
Famous patriarchs include five original Huayen Masters in Tang Dynasty and in modern times, Master Yucheng, Master Yuexia, Master Yingci, Master Zhiguang, Master Wenxin, Master Changxing, Master Aiting, Master Nanting and the founder of ABLS, Ven. Master Chengyi.

The historical relics cabinets are dedicated to display bone relics, letters, photos, clothing and supplies of Ven. Master Chengyi. There are also introductions of the patriarchs on the wall. The purpose of the court is to commemorate their contributions and to provide a place for the public to worship them. The meaning of honoring them here is to remind us following them in the Bodhi path.

祖堂文物 / Historical Relics