ABLS 2021 夏季法會通啟(Summer Dharma Service Notice)

美國華嚴蓮社 2021 春季法會通啟

ABLS Summer Dharma Service Notice




“Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment Day Dharma Service”

ABLS will celebrate Avalokitesvara (Guanyin) Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment Day on July 25th, 2021 (Sunday).  Starting at 9 AM, there will be Liturgy of Guanyin Bodhisattva, with the assembly chanting the Avalokiteshvara Mantra (incantation), Heart Sutra, Universal Gate Sutra, and making light offerings.  Food Offering Ceremony will be conducted at noon.  Starting again at 1:30 PM, participants will chant the Cundī Sutra, Cundī Mantra, followed by Eighty-Eight Buddha Repentance, and Meng Shan Food Bestowal Ceremony.



為因應 COVID-19 全球疫情發展、Delta 變種病毒株蔓延,避免宗教群聚感染之情事發生,本社「2021 盂蘭盆孝親報恩梁皇法會」,已調整成為一個月精進修持的方案(請見日程表),自國曆2021年8月8日起至 2021年9月12日止(2021年9月12日圓滿日:總迴向&化牌位),詳情請洽 “華嚴蓮社事務處” 辦理。

自6月15日起,華嚴蓮社已敞開最吉祥殿南面大門(大殿內仍不開放),以方便信眾前來「南面殿外廣場」參拜祭祀。開放時間為每週二至週六 9:30 至 17:30,以及每週日 9:00 至 15:30。如欲禮佛祭祀者,請配帶口罩入寺。

如有相關供養三寶、燃燈供佛、消災祈福或超度亡靈等佛事需求,請於日常辦公時段 (週二至週日 9:30-16:00),電洽蓮社事務處辦理;或者,請以郵寄信件、電子郵件 info@huayenusa.org、官網聯繫 https://www.huayenusa.org/contact-us,乃至投遞報名等方式,我們都將誠摯地為您服務。

“Ullambana Celebration Dharma Service”

In response to spread of COVID-19 Delta variant, and to prevent the transmission of the virus among religious communities, the 2021 Ullambana Celebration Dharma Service has been be changed to a One-Month Intensive Practice (see the attached time table for details), starting from 8/8/2021 to 9/12/2021 (on the last day of 9/12/2021: Dedication of Merits & Burning Name Plates).  Please contact our office for more detailed information.

Starting from June 15th, the Main Hall doors facing the South courtyard will be open so that visitors can make offerings and pay respect to the deceased in the courtyard South of the Main Hall.  The opening hours are Tuesday to Saturday (9:30-17:30) and Sunday (9:00-15:30).  Be sure to wear Face Masks when coming here.  Please note that the inside of the Main Hall is still closed to the public for now.

If you need to make offerings to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, support the temple, make light offerings, or set up blessing plates for the living or the deceased, please call the office during our regular hours (9:30-16:00 Tuesday to Sunday).  You can also send your request by mail, email info@huayenusa.org, drop-off, or contact us through our official website https://www.huayenusa.org/contact-us.  We will be glad to be of further assistance.